Our Consultants
Our Dedicated Team
Name: Brennan Tan
Title: Senior Consultant
Profile/Professional Summary
A high-performing management consultant and training professional eager to develop others and deliver business results. Equipped with 23 years of working experience in Education, Health, Marketing, Public Administration, Information Technology and Construction. Multi-disciplined, multi-industry with international exposure. Strong in facilitation, analysis and implementation of change initiatives. Relentlessly pursue personal mission in raising productivity and service standards of client organizations, backed by global outlook and international exposure.
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Professional Consultancy and Advisory Specialization
Business and Service Excellence
Specialise in holistic change management of people and processes, in achieving positive results in key management areas such as people, internal process, customer and finance.
Business Process Improvement
Specialise in redesign of work processes to cut down wastages, automation of information management and business intelligence.
Human Capital Development
Specialise in performance management and performance coaching.
Professional Qualifications
Practicing Management Consultant (PMC)
Certified by Singapore Business Advisors and Consultants Council (SBACC).
SkillsFuture Mentor
Conduct coaching and mentoring of SMEs in enhancing internal learning and development system, especially On-the-Job-Training. Certified by SPRING Singapore.
Business Advisor (SPRING-SIM Business Advisors Programme, 2016).
Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA – Facilitated Learning)
Certified by Institute of Adult Learning(IAL), WDA.
Special Skills and Certifications
Singapore Quality Award, Business Excellence
Capacity as a SQA Champion in facilitation of organizational change. Recognition of the achievement of being a world-class organization, awarded by SPRING Singapore
Business Excellence Assessment
Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ)
A series of Productivity and Innovation Awards(national level) attained
Key Business and Consultation Projects
SkillsFuture Mentorship Programme
Objectives: To assist SMEs in developing learning and development capabilities to become an employer of choice
Sector: Water Treatment and Recycling
Nature of Business: Water systems and technologies in supporting pharmaceutical and industrial products, and waste water recycling for industrial use
Outcomes: Completed diagnostics on human resource maturity level and training needs analysis. Guided on-the-job training blueprint for selective functional roles. Resulted in strong market position in winning high-value overseas’ projects.
Business Excellence Diagnosis
Objectives: To guide organizational improvement through business diagnosis using a holistic management framework
Sector: Retail
Nature of Business: Garment Retail Chain
Outcomes: Completed gap analysis of business with recommendations in the form of prioritized improvement roadmap. Business owner received “Best Business Management” awards for consecutive 2 years in Johor.
Established Performance Management System
Objectives: To develop a practical performance management system to achieve business results.
Sector: Print Media
Nature of Business: Design and Printing
Outcomes: Implemented KPIs for key roles aligning to strategic objectives. Conducted performance coaching for supervisors and above in spaced intervals. With soft skills developed, the people have shown good achievement in terms of wastage control, workplace safety, customer service and problem solving skills.
Building a Winning Performance Culture
Objectives: Build a high performance work team by enhancing corporate culture through the development of company core values and core management skills.
Sector: Print Media
Nature of Business: Marketing of Printing Solutions
Outcomes: Created a conducive work environment by cultivating a sense of common purpose, trust and commitment led by leaders that encourage active engagement of employees. Improved managerial effectiveness by deepening the skills surrounding 4 key managerial functions. Attained high retention of customers and staff.
Business Process Improvement
Objectives: To streamline internal processes in order to achieve productivity growth
Sector: Public Service
Nature of Business: Tax administration
Outcomes: Customized and automated work flows for many in-house processes, resulting in long-term work efficiency and millions in cost savings. Led 3 Work Improvement Teams(WITs) in On-the-Job problem solving and learning. Created SOPs and delivered related training for internal customers and external vendors, retaining critical organization knowledge.

Willie Loo
Associate IT/Marketing Consultant
Willie has developed his career in both government and private sectors with a track of 8 years, carrying with him a wealth of expertise to serve his marketing clients in Singapore at present. Besides consultancy, he has substantial leadership and corporate experience working in the Singapore Armed Forces in managing Army Simulation projects, research and capabilities development.
- Professional Career Achievement
- IT Solution Consultant for SMEs: multi-level and service industries. Assisted to develop and implement IT solutions towards Technology and Productivity impro vements. Online Marketing advisory and implementation.
- Startup Consultant: Assist startups through growth hacking strategies and innovative solutions.