Training and Development

Dedicated Team and Partner Trainers to Meet Your Business Strategy Objectives

Every business concerned with organisational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organisational settings.

For your business to sustain its competitive advantage and achieve bottom-line results, you will need to build and develop a pool of competent human capital and align them to your business strategy.

Talent Continuity has a network of Professional Development’s dedicated team and partner trainers to help meets your business strategy objectives.

Workshops For Business Owners

Our 1-Day workshop helps business owners and executives to,

  • Identify internal capability gaps with preliminary business diagnostic process.
  • Network with business owners to identify growth opportunities.
  • Address and resolve current and potential business challenges.
  • Discover effective and workable solutions.
  • Implement effective business information technology capabilities.
  • Establish a stretched business goal and take meaningful actions.
  • Plot a new direction to grow your business.
  • Create opportunities for successful business collaboration.
  • Learn to utilise government funding to defray up to 70% of your project cost.

You will have opportunity for an On-Site Business Diagnostics and Professional Consultation with our professional consultants to improve business capabilities.

Who Should Attend?

SME Business Owners want to

  • Identify internal capability gaps stopping you from achieving your business goals.
  • Address and resolve current and potential these business challenges.
  • Discover effective and workable solutions to be productive and profitable.
  • Network with business owners to identify growth opportunities.

Productivity and Innovation Workshops

Talent Continuity also provide a series of productivity and innovation workshop to educate the SMEs and their staff on the important, processes and methodologies of creating values to the their businesses. Most importantly, these hands-on workshop ensure the participants can apply the skills and knowledge, to effectively implement improvement project in their business.

5S Workplace Organization to Improve Productivity

This half-day workshop in to provide the basic understanding of the 5S theory and application.

By the end of the training the participants will know the background history and the principle of the 5S workplace organization theory.

At the same time to be able to apply the procedures and techniques in their workplace.

Key Outcomes

To learn the practical 5S Workplace Organization techniques in order to apply the principle and process to improve productivity in the workplace.

What will participants learn?

  • Discover your current approach to workplace organization
  • Understanding of 5S workplace organization process
  • Application of 5S workplace organization process

Creativity and Innovation Training

To be creative you have to contribute something different from what you’ve done before. When all think alike, then no one is thinking.

This 1-day workshop is to provide the practical know how to be creative and innovation in the workplace. 

Learn the most practical tools and know how to generate great creative ideas and put these ideas into practical use to improve productivity in workplace.

Key Outcomes

To learn and apply practical tools and techniques to be Creative and Innovation in the workplace.

What will participants learn?

  • How to reprocessing our thinking to discover new link-ways
  • Create the willingness to take chances and take risk
  • Look For unlikely connections
  • Willing to step outside of the boundaries to look for solutions
  • Breaking Habits and break barriers to get out of routines
  • Being creative and innovation to help in your work

How Can High Performance Work Team Training Gives
You Highly Effective and Efficient Work Team, and Ultimately…

Increase Your Business Net Profit?

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Expect These Benefits Once You Choose
High Performance Work Team Training For Your Company…


Improve Morale

Your company can aim to develop an atmosphere of trust, confidence, energy and creativity. 

The training helps put everyone in a spirit of agreement. An improvement in employee morale can result from effective communication.


Lower Employee Turnover

As a boss, you know the cost of replacing an employee. Not only it cost money from the company, it will affect the morale as well. 

High Performance Work Team Training will keep your workers motivated, content and showing them respect makes it less likely they will leave.


Increases Productivity

Would you like to take a 3 month holidays from your business and your team will still produce results like clockwork? 

You can increase your team productivity and engage your workers to understand why they want to work hard for your company, so you can go for your holidays.


Having Ownership

Imagine each and everyone employee in your company think and act like you, the boss? 

It is a far fetched dreams for most entrepreneurs to want their team to take ownership in their daily roles. With High Performance Work Team training, it is possible now!


Identify Potential Leaders

After 2 days training, you may identify some hidden talents within your company that is operating below their capability. 

We will help you identify them and coach them to their fullest potential.


Foster New Ideas

A company that is not growing will die soon…

however, most SME bosses in Singapore have to depend on themselves to come out with the next great idea or direction. 

What if your team can provides positive, creative and possible ideas that can help your business to double the following year?


Understanding Weakness

The potential of your company is as good as the weakest link. 

Not only we will discuss about the strength and identify leaders in your company, we will discuss on the weakness and how to improve them during the 2 days High Performance Work Team Training.


Solid Communication Within The Team

All the employees in your company will appreciate good communication coming from management, and also among their peers.

It produces a healthy work environment; resulted in a motivated work team.


Multiply Your Business

Lastly, your business will gain the most.

As the saying goes, “The future of your company is as good as the team that’s running it.” 

You can expect your revenue to double or even triple as your team work hand in hand.

Above are just some of the benefits you can expect after the High Performance Work Team Training, and much more!

I’m sure you will agree me that the training will help in your business in the long run, so I look forward to meeting you in person for your first complimentary consultation.